Friday, 30 September 2016

Difference between @html.Partial and @html.RenderPartial in mvc?

@Html.Partial :-  It’s return MvcHtmlString.
We can use Partial when you want to store little bit of text that need to be stored in variable.
It is slower than @Html.renderPartial.

@Html.RenderPartial :- It’s return void. 
It is use like custom control in where lots of html that not need to be stored in variable. 
It is faster than @Html.Partial.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

How to take a backUp of single table in SQL Server 2008R2?

Select  * into new_tabel_Name  from tablename

new_table_Name :- new table in which you want to store data(No need to create a table. It automatically create when you run the query)

tablename :- Existing table from which you want to take a back up

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

What is Automatic Activation in WCF?

Automatic Activation means service will start\activate when a message request is received. In IIS, service is not always running. Service is monitored by ISS itself.  IIS check if service is idle or unresponsive then it stops the service process. The next time a client calls the service, the process is recycled and restarted.

IIS and WAS provides Automatic Activation.

Reference:- MSDN