Tuesday, 3 April 2012

what is asp.net
what is asp.net?
It is the part of .net framework.

What is encapsulation?

  1. It is the fundamental principle concept of oops.
  2. It hides the data from outside the world.
  3. You can also say that it is the process of hiding internal data from outside the world.
  4. It gives maintainability, flexibility and extensibility to our code.
  5. It gives the ability to hide the data and method fro m out side the world and only expose data and method that are required.
  6. it also hide the information from the object.

      Class Employee
      private int _employeeId;
      private  double _salary;
     public int SetEmployeeId(int EmpId)
     public int GetEmployeeId()
       return _employeeId;
     public double SetEmployeeSalary(double Salary)

     public int GetEmployeeSalary()
       return _salary;

What is Difference between Web Browser and Web Server.

Web browser: A software application that is used for retrieving,presenting and transferring the data from the internet(world wide web).
Example: Internet explorer,Mozilla,Google chrome etc.

Web Server:  It is a program on a server computer, somewhere on the world wide web, that deliver a web pages on the computer.

What is boxing and Unboxing.

                  Converting a value type data to reference type is called boxing;
 UnBoxing: It is the reverse of Boxing i.e converting a reference type value to value type;
   Ex:  int x=1;
          Object ob=x;//boxing
          int x=(int)x;//UnBoxing